You can showcase your online store’s products or categories on your Instant Site, you can use a set of dedicated product catalogue sections.
If you want to showcase several core store categories on your homepage and add individual products to other pages. For each of the catalog sections, you can customize its title and design, including layout, fonts and colours.
Table of content
Adding catalogue sections to your site:
– There are five types of sections available:
– The Product Collection section that can contain products from any specific store category.
– The Category Showcase section that can list any store categories or all the root categories.
– The Featured Product section to highlight individual products.
– The Featured Category section to advertise individual categories.
– The Logo Gallery section which will contain a list of images that you can use to showcase the brands you sell.
To add a product catalogue section on Instant Site:
1. From your store admin, go to Website → Edit Site.
2. Click Add Section.
3. Scroll down to Products.
4. Choose the section you like
5. On the opened block settings page, make changes on the Content tab.

Depending on what section you have chosen to add, the section name in the menu will be Product Collection, Category Showcase, Featured Product, Featured Category or Logo Gallery.
Designing the catalogue section
In the Site editor, you can set the layout for your catalogue sections, customise their background colour, text fonts, sizes, styles, and more.
1. From your store admin, go to Website → Edit Site.
2. Click on the product catalogue section.
3. Make the necessary changes on the Design tab.
4. Click Publish.
If you need to make changes to the products and their details, you have to do it from the Products page of your store admin.
Deleting catalogue sections from your site
You can delete catalogue sections from the homepage or any other page of your site.
To delete a catalogue section from your site:
1. From your store admin, go to Website → Edit Site.
2. Click on the product catalog section.
3. Click Delete section at the bottom of the page.
4. Click Publish.