Presenting prices in different currencies
When selling products to customers worldwide, it’s important to display prices in their native currency for their convenience. Netcash Shop’s App Market offers two solutions for this: the Currency Converter app and the Auto Currency Switcher app. These apps automatically convert prices and display them in the customer’s currency.
Currency apps are available on Venture, Business and Unlimited plans. Upgrade now to make use of these tools.
Converting currency using the Currency Converter app
Converting currency with the Currency Converter WL app is easy. The app automatically detects the customer’s location and converts prices into their native currency. The Currency Converter WL app is also free of charge.
Main features:
- Customers can manually select their preferred currency from a list of over 130 options.
- The app updates exchange rates automatically and is fully customizable, allowing you to choose which currencies are available for conversion.
- The app provides an easy and simple way to switch currencies in your storefront.
To use the app:
- Go to your Netcash Shop App Market.
- Search for the Currency Converter app and Install it.
- Configure it to your liking in the Settings → Currency Converter section.
Note that customers will still pay in the main currency of your store (ZAR) at checkout, which you can set in Settings → General → Regional Settings.
Converting currency using the Auto Currency Switcher app
The Auto Currency Switcher app is another option for converting prices based on the customer’s location. The customer will see the prices in their location currency on the storefront. For example, your prices may be in South African Rands (ZAR) but your customers based in the UK will see prices Pounds.

Main features:
- It supports over 160 currencies and automatically changes the currency in your store to match the customer’s location.
- The app is fully automated and always up-to-date with the latest exchange rates.
- It’s customisable design blends in with your store.
- The drop-down menu that shows in your storefront provides customers with an option to easily change between currencies.
The Auto Currency Switcher app costs $3.50 per month, with a free trial available.
To use the app:
- Go to your Netcash Shop App Market.
- Search for the Auto Currency Switcher app and Install it.
- Open the app and turn on the App enabled toggle.
- You can also customize which currencies are displayed to buyers (Settings → Auto Currency Switcher) and choose whether to automatically switch to the customer’s currency or allow them to browse in the native currency.
- You can also choose to hide the original price or display it alongside the converted price, so that both currencies are shown.
Netcash Shop’s Currency Converter and Auto Currency Switcher apps are excellent solutions for displaying prices in different currencies to customers worldwide. By installing and configuring these apps, you can make your store more accessible and convenient for your global customers.