App Market

Powerful apps, tools and extensions to help you grow faster

Most Used Apps

Most Used Apps

Explore the most popular and effective eCommerce apps at Netcash Shop. Join other successful businesses in boosting your store’s performance and profitability.

Free Apps & Tools


Discover a wide range of free eCommerce apps and tools at Netcash Shop. Boost your online store’s performance without any additional cost.

Digital Marketing & Advertising Tools


Boost your online visibility with our curated selection of digital marketing and advertising apps at Netcash Shop. Drive more traffic and grow your business.

Store Design & UX

Store Design

Enhance your online store with our user-friendly design and UX apps at Netcash Shop. Deliver an engaging, seamless shopping experience.

Dropshipping Fulfillment & Management Tools


Optimize your dropshipping operations with our efficient fulfillment and management apps at Netcash Shop. Increase efficiency and profitability.

Product Catalogue & Order Management

Catalogue & Order Management

Streamline your product and order management with our intuitive eCommerce apps at Netcash Shop. Increase efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Accounting & Financial Tools


Keep your financials organized with our range of accounting and financial apps at Netcash Shop. Drive accuracy, compliance, and financial success.

Shipping & Delivery Management


Improve your shipping and delivery processes with our advanced management apps at Netcash Shop. Ensure fast, reliable service and enhance customer satisfaction.

eCommerce Analytics & Reporting Tools

Analytics & Reports

Uncover valuable insights with our eCommerce analytics and reporting apps at Netcash Shop. Make informed, data-driven decisions and drive growth.

Customer Service & Loyalty Rewards Programs

Customer Support & Rewards

Improve customer satisfaction and foster loyalty with our range of service apps and reward programs at Netcash Shop. Enhance customer retention and grow your business.

Essential eCommerce Tools


Find all the essential apps you need to successfully run your eCommerce store at Netcash Shop. Enhance your operations, drive sales, and grow your business.

Selling your products and services online has never been this easy

About the App Market FAQ’s

The Netcash Shop App Market is a curated selection of apps designed to enhance and streamline your online store operations. From marketing and sales to inventory management, you’ll find a variety of apps to meet your business needs.

The Netcash Shop App Market hosts apps developed by a variety of developers, including third-party services and individuals dedicated to enhancing your online store experience.

Yes. All applications in the Netcash Shop App Market adhere to a strict set of requirements and guidelines to ensure a safe user experience.

  • Start from the App Market page in your Netcash Shop dashboard.
  • Select a category or search for a specific app you’d like to use.
  • Choose to install the app(s) you’d like to use, and follow any setup instructions they provide to create an account with them, or to connect your store details.
  • You can access and remove apps you’ve installed on the My Apps page at any time.

You can easily browse and manage the Netcash Shop App Market on your mobile device using the My e-Shop App on any Netcash Shop paid plan. Get installation instructions in your Netcash Shop dashboard under Sales Channels > Mobile.

Should you experience any issues with an app, first ensure you have the latest version by checking for updates in the App Market. If the issue persists, don’t hesitate to reach out to the helpful team at Netcash Shop for support. They are best positioned to assist with any technical hitches and ensure your app runs smoothly.

App purchases are billed directly through the app, based on the payment method you provide at the time of purchasing / upgrading the app itself. This is not billed through your Netcash account. 

Many apps in the Netcash Shop App Market are designed to be mobile-friendly. Review the app description for compatibility details, if provided, to confirm.


Navigate to your App Management dashboard within Netcash Shop to update or uninstall apps. Log in here and then navigate to the App section on your dashboard menu on the left. Click on Apps, then My Apps and then navigate to the app you would like to uninstall and follow the instructions (Look for the Uninstall Icon or Update button).

Explore our blog post on evolving your eCommerce store for recommendations or contact our helpful team to assist you with picking the correct app.